Document Collaboration
Keep Your Focus On Productivity And Sustainability
Eliminate the use of paper and unnecessary communications, reduce the environmental footprint of your company.
Keep the Noise Down
Reduce inbox congestion, keep lines of communication open, and streamline collaboration to improve productivity by using internal messaging, subscriptions, chat, and annotations around the documents.
Document Editing
Create and edit documents using embedded text editor that supports Microsoft Word formats.
Document Sharing
Share documents with users, vendors, and customers as a public link with embedded access controls such as expiry date, download restriction, annotations etc.
Chat & Notifications
Subscribe to the folders and documents to get instant notifications about any access, changes, deletion etc., chat around your documents, get chat notifications, access full chat history about a document.
Application Integration
Integrate with existing line-of-business systems (e.g. ERP, CRM, HR), view multiple document types through a web-based viewer and provide a single source for content across a range of business applications.